Babies x Bellinis
Babies x Bellinis
Homie, Lover, Ally: Mommies in Interracial Relationships
Helloooo BxB Babes!! We have a double whammy today.
It's the... SEASON FINALE! Annnnnd.....It's a TAKEOVAAAAAA!!
Even though this is only our second season, it has, by FAR, been the weirdest season ever. We wanted to leave you with something to think about it, so that when we return from break, a change will have come in society. We are using our platform to share the viewpoints and experiences of a different side of the current, racially-charged climate: non-black wives of black men and mothers of bi-racial children. We are furthering the discussion on raising a generation of compassionate, cognizant, and unbiased children and how wives can, and should, advocate for their black men and stand up for the black community. There is no better way to open the discussion than to have it with women who are living it.
Let's welcome Sasha (@creations_by_sasha), Laci (@laciswann), and Vilmarie (@contourkissed)! Put your listening ears on, open your mind, and get your notepads ready because these ladies came with a word TAH-DAY!!
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Keep the drinks flowing and the conversation going over @babiesxbellinis! Byee-eee!