Babies x Bellinis

Is Motherhood a Job?

Ericka, KayAlex, and Casey Renae Season 1 Episode 8
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00:00:00 | 01:03:22

Moms aren't just moms. According to, moms are dietitians, recreational therapists, staff nurses, event planners, judges, photographers, janitors -- and the list goes on. To sum it up, motherhood is not just one job, it is a hybrid role of many jobs. Translation: Everything...Mom's are EVERYTHING. If mom's were paid to do everything they do, they would earn up to $162k/year! And that's before factoring in any full-time or part-time jobs that generate an actual paycheck. What do you think, is Motherhood itself a job? Are you a 'Run me my money' kind of gal or a 'my payment is love and appreciation' mom? Listen in as the ladies of BxB discuss their roles as 24/7 moms while working 9-5.

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